Buyers and sellers meet organized by Charaka and Desi refers to a marketplace or event where buyers and sellers of traditional hand-woven fabrics, including charaka and desi, come together to exchange goods and conduct business. This time it happened in Bengaluru, from Jan 13th to Jan 15th 2023.

At a buyers and sellers meet organized by Charaka and Desi, sellers may display their products for buyers to inspect and purchase. Buyers may include individuals looking to purchase these traditional fabrics for personal use, as well as retailers and distributors looking to purchase in bulk for resale. In some cases, buyers and sellers may also negotiate prices and terms of sale. The exhibition will showcase curated Khadi & Handloom Sarees, Garments, Quilts,
Food products, Stationery, Books, Accessories and much more. Do visit us to shop for exclusive handmade products from Charaka, Banjara Kasuti, Chitrika, Tula, Kubsa, Buffalo Back, Farm Veda and several others.

These meetings are important for the traditional hand-woven fabric industry, as they provide an opportunity for producers and sellers to connect with potential buyers and expand their customer base. They also provide a platform for buyers to learn more about the quality, variety, and availability of these traditional fabrics.

Buyers and sellers meet organized by Charaka and Desi can also help to support the local economy by promoting and sustaining the production of these traditional hand-woven fabrics. By facilitating the exchange of goods and creating a market for these fabrics, these meetings can help to ensure the continuation of this important cultural heritage.

Overall, buyers and sellers meet organized by Charaka and Desi play an important role in the traditional hand-woven fabric industry, connecting producers and sellers with potential buyers, promoting local economic development, and supporting the production of these valuable cultural heritage items.